Monday, June 13, 2005

A Little Blog Renovation

A while ago I mentioned that my mother was doing a bit of renovation - new carpet in the dining room and wood laminate flooring in the kitchen. The job was finished about a week earlier than expected because the installer for the laminate flooring had a job that had to be delayed (a "real" wood floor couldn't be put in because the weather had been too wet). Anyway the flooring is in and I have to admit it looks pretty good.

Anyway, that got me thinking of a couple of things that I wanted to change and/or add in the blog. Getting this stuff implemented did not go as smoothly as the installation of the new floor though.

First change comes under my profile. I've added a poll which I expect to change every week or ten days or so, depending on how inventive I am in coming up with questions. I'll also set up a post for comments on each poll.

Second I'm moving my list of links higher on the page. That seems to be a better place for it.

Third, I'm moving some of the advertising up below the list of links. Apparently there are good spots to place your stuff and putting them higher on the page is better. Still I don't want them above my links which I think are more important

Below that will be the list of Recent Posts and Archives listing and finally the Amazon link and the list of blogging services I use.

There are a couple things I want to add to and subtract from the Links, but I'll get to those in little while - after I get some sleep.

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