Tuesday, June 28, 2005

My Perfect Women!?

So my blogging buddy Tim Gueguen had this link in his blog to a site called Celebmatch which uses "the scientific method of biorhythms to calculate the compatibilities" between you and various celebrities. Tim holds that biorhythms are bunk, and I basically agree. What this site does seems less like Biorhythms, and more like cheap astrology to me though. Enter your birthdate and they will tell you which five celebrities (you can choose male or female) you match up with best, and if you click on their names you will see who you are most compatible with physically, emotionally and intellectually. All from your birth date. You can also see how you match with other celebrities. So here's who they said I was best suited for:
  1. Ellen DeGeneres 98%
  2. Anita Baker 98%
  3. Crystal Gayle 98%
  4. Star Jones 98%
  5. Beth Broderick 97%
Apparently part of the matching process is to find someone close to my own age, which is silly. I'm a man - I want younger.

(BTW: This post is also an experiment with Blogger's new image feature. So far not bad.

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