Monday, December 19, 2005

Poll Results - What Was The Worst New Show Of Calendar 2005?

A larger turnout than last time but still comparatively small with eight voters. Obviously I need to promote the blog more at BlogExplosion to get more voters.

Here are the results. In a tie for fifth place were The Law Firm and Head Cases with no votes. In fourth place with one vote (12%) is Just Legal, the Don Johnson series that lasted just a few weeks on the WB. In a tie for second place with two votes (25%) are Blind Justice and The War At Home. But the winner - or at least the show with the most votes - with three is Stacked.

I have a suspicion that with a few more votes this result would have changed. I have to confess that I rather liked Blind Justice (even with giving a blind man a gun) which may have done better if it hadn't been placed in the old NYPD Blue slot. I missed Just Legal (it was on a Monday) and I only saw the pilot episode of Head Cases which I thought was borderline adequate although the pilot isn't enough to judge the show by. I did watch The Law Firm and it was awful, but it was nothing when compared to the big steaming pile of bovine scatology that is The War At Home. Which is why I'm convinced that if I had more voters Stacked would not have been the winner in this poll. I've never seen it - I have a low tolerance for Pamela Anderson after I saw Barb Wire on TV once (the woman was stark naked for part of it and still boring while the actual movie gave me a raging migraine) - but any series with Christopher Lloyd can't be entirely bad and I seem to recall that Anderson had some slight comedic ability. Besides, I've actually heard that librarians and small bookstore owners have actually credited the series for increased patronage. I know that if I'd voted in my own poll, which I occasionally do, it would have been for The War At Home..

New poll shortly.

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