Sunday, August 13, 2006

Poll Results - What SHOULD win the Emmy for Outstanding Reality-Competition Program?

Okay, I guess my attempt at politicking didn't work. There were five votes cast this week, of which one was mine (I rarely vote in my own polls by the way). In last place, with no votes was Bravo's Project Runway. In a tie for second place were The Amazing Race, American Idol and Dancing With The Stars with one vote each (20%). The winner with two votes (40%) was Survivor.

I seem to be detecting an interesting trend in overall voting. Not only are fewer votes being cast this year as opposed to last year when I ran these polls but with the exception of the Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama there seems to be little in the way of concensus in favour of any particular person or program. I suppose the major factor in that has been the absolutely lackluster group of nominees that the "blue ribbon panels" and the Television Academy members have spit out at us.

As to the nominees in this category I sincerely believe that not only will The Amazing Race win in this category, it deserves to win. This is in spite of the show's depressing Family Edition. Or maybe because the show rebounded from that setback. While I don't think Season 9 was as good as some of the other seasons it was very good with all of the qualities that fans of the show enjoy, including a team who overcame adversity (in the form of two non-elimination rounds and one or two teams that actively hated them) to secure their win in an admittedly goofy manner. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago when I reviewed the show, I can see where the interest in a show like Project Runway could lie but on the whole it wasn't my cup of tea. I've never seen an episode of American Idol - at least not willingly, and while I enjoy Dancing With The Stars in my books it comes nowhere near to being as compelling as The Amazing Race. As for Survivor, I enjoyed the first season of the 2005-06 pair in Guatemala since I felt it was one of the most physically challenging season ever, however the Exile Island shows suffered from the gimmick (the hidden immunity idol) being discovered as soon as it was and from using the same basic location as the Pearl Islands and All Stars series. That's why I voted for The Amazing Race.

New Poll up in the morning.

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