Saturday, January 06, 2007

Poll Results - What network has the fewest shows that you MUST see?

We interrupt the coverage of the Twelve Days of Christmas for this important poll result. The question this week was: "What network has the fewest shows that you MUST see?" Seven people voted in this one, which is the same number (and maybe the same people) who voted in the poll on "What network has the most shows that you MUST see?" Certainly there's a certain synchronicity to the voting pattern. Finishing in fifth place with no votes was ABC. In a tie for third place with one vote each (14%) were FOX and NBC. In a solid second place with two votes (28%) is CBS. But the big "winner" with three votes (42%) is The CW.

So how does this compare or tie in with last week's results? Well the obvious one is that not only was The CW the network with the fewest shows people felt they must see it was also the only network that didn't have anyone say that it had the most shows they must see. Clearly the network will probably have to do a lot of work on their lineup for next year (about the only show I watch on The CW is Smallville). On the opposite end of the scale only one person regarded ABC as having more shows they wanted to see than any other network but no one thought it had the fewest. I think that qualifies as sort of a bland middle ground. As for last week's winner for the network with the most "must see" shows, FOX it also picked up a vote for having the fewest shows that were "must sees". Which I actually think is a reasonably accurate assessment. When FOX is on its game it's quite good, but the network also has a lot of crap clogging up the airwaves.

The only real question is about CBS. This is, you will recall, the network that has been dominating the ratings for the past few years. It's quite strong on most nights this year too. So the question is why this powerhouse line up has only one person who felt that it had the most shows that they must see, and two people who said it had the fewest? Such are the questions that unscientific polls raise.

New poll up in the morning (or maybe the afternoon - I currently have a raging headache and need sleep).

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