Monday, September 15, 2008


It's been a while since I've edited the Blogroll, and I think it's time I did. There are a few inactive or dead blogs to be dumped and a few of new ones to be added. One of these days I'll have to switch over to the version of Blogger that lists the newly updated blogs.

New (to you) Blogs

Shorpy: The 100 Year-Old Photo Blog: A favourite of mine for quite a while. Not all of the photos are a hundred years old, but they certainly give a sense of the way things were in the past. A real image of the past.

South Dakota Dark: A group blog focusing on Television and popular culture. Slowed down a little over the past couple of months, but then haven't we all?

Talk Show: Occasional ramblings from Dick Cavett. I will admit that he isn't my favourite past talk show host (those would be Tom Snyder and of course Johnny Carson) but whenever I've had a chance to see one of Cavett's several shows I've enjoyed it for the same reason that I enjoyed Tom Snyder – he gives good conversation.

I Am A TV Junkie: Pretty much self-explained by the title. He watches a lot of TV (like me) and writes about it (like me), although he doesn't just review stuff that's on broadcast TV (unlike me – mostly) and he gets swag from producers (unlike me...but I'm not bitter). A good read.

The Medium Is Not Enough TV Blog: A British blog about TV. A mix of show reviews and links to news stories concerning TV on both sides of the Atlantic. A fair amount of Doctor Who-Torchwood-Sarah Jane Adventures stuff in the mix.

She Blogged By Night: A blog focussed with laser like precision on old movies. Produced by Stacia (who Stephen Cooke, Tom Sutpen, Ivan Shreve and I once knew as "The Avocado Avenger" back in the days when we were heavily into Usenet newsgroups) it is a blog in the hands of someone who knows a ton of stuff about old movies and isn't afraid to express her opinion.

Cartophilia: My old friend and fellow Diplomacy zine publisher Jamie McQuinn dropped me an email to remind me that while he does have his occasional rant blog at Tralfaz (Blech!) his main blog – the one he lavishes daily attention on – is Cartophilia, which deals with his fascination with maps. I have corrected the omission (but Tralfaz (Blech!) is still on the list), because I enjoy a good map from time to time too and it's the least I can do for a guy who sent me a puzzle piece of Cameroon from a magnetic globe.

So for now that's the housekeeping on the old bloglisting.

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