Thursday, September 08, 2011

New Poll - Outstanding Drama Series

Right now I have a headache and heartburn, largely caused by things that this computer is doing to me, so let’s keep this short and sweet. It is our last Emmy Poll and as always there is only one rule: vote for the series that you think should win the Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series rather than for the show you are sure will win…if they aren’t one and the same that is. I enjoy getting your comments and responding to them here, so please feel free to comment on the relative merits of the nominees.


Deadline for this poll is Saturday, September 17 at Noon (not that I’ve ever made the Noon deadline myself of course). That’s the day before the Emmys are broadcast on FOX.

1 comment:

  1. THE GOOD WIFE has weak moments, but remains the best drama on US television, despite impressive work on the part of the folks at FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and MAD MEN and DEXTER.

    BOARDWALK EMPIRE has an excellent cast for the most part, and shows why an excellent cast can't carry a series without decent scripts.
