Wednesday, August 08, 2012

New Poll-Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama

I’m really doing all of this the night before deadline in hopes that I can get everything posted before I head out for the casino. If you’re reading this before noon on August 8th I succeeded, if it didn’t get posted until the afternoon I failed.

Just to review the rules, simply vote for the actress you think should win the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama; not who you think will win but who you think should win. If you vote for “None of the Above” or simply want to express why you think the person you voted for is the most deserving candidate to be the Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama, post them here. I’ve also included a link below the Poll to make it a bit easier once I post my next Amazing Race recap. I’ll try to run the comments with the next set of results.

Deadline for this poll will be August 17tha at around Noon…ish.

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