Friday, August 17, 2012

Poll Results–Outstanding Actress In A Drama

claire-danes-homelandFirst a couple of housekeeping things. I’ve been meaning to get the next episode of the first season of The Amazing Race finished but I’ve been having some time management issues in terms of finding the time to do the work to finish it up. sometime this weekend…I hope. This got a bit messed up when I added a second Hard Drive to my computer and needed to move a bunch of files to it. Also, I haven’t decided yet but I might cut the Reality-Competition Poll and end the rest of my Emmy Polling nine days early so I can do the Cancellation Polls that proved so popular last year. No decision yet though.

And now on to the poll results. There were nine votes cast, the most in this polling cycle. Glenn Close (Damages), Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey), Elizabeth Moss (Mad Men) and “None of the Above” received no votes (and I think I’ll drop None of the Above from future categories). Kathy Bates (Harry’s Law) had one vote (11% of votes cast), and Julianna Margulies (The Good Wife) had three votes (33%). But the winner was Claire Danes (Homeland) with five votes (56%). What’s interesting to me is that all of the votes for Margulies came in in the past three or four days, while the single vote for Kathy Bates was the first vote received. Not sure what, if anything, that means but I found it curious.

For myself, I might have used the “None of the Above” option to deliver a protest vote on behalf of Anna Torv because I love her performance in Fringe (and I admit, I’m a bit smitten with her), but on the whole I think the poll got both the person who will win and the person who should win right when you voted for Claire Danes. I haven’t seen the show, but everything I’ve read indicates that the part of Carrie Mathison in Homeland is an extremely complex one and Danes throws herself into the part. Margulies was last year’s winner, and a deserving one, but I just think that between the subject matter and the intensity of the role, Danes has a part that should win her the Emmy. And as much as I’d like to see Elizabeth Moss (or Anna Torv) win an Emmy, this is just Claire Danes’s year.

New poll up shortly.

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